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GoDaddy is the host of this site and their privacy policy can be located here.
Delburne Dental Hygiene is committed to ensuring that the collection and processing of your personal information complies with the Health Information Act of Alberta. To know and exercise your rights, including withdrawing your consent to the use of personal information collected as a patient of Delburne Dental Hygiene, please consult our privacy policy section below.
We have adopted this Policy to guide how our Practice collects, uses, and discloses health information.
Our Practice respects the privacy rights of our patients and is committed to protecting the health information that we collect from you. We have developed our privacy practices based on the HIA requirements. This legislation applies to health information we collected, used, and disclosed to provide our patients with health services before and after the HIA came into effect. While patient consent can be granted in an informal way, such as providing us with an individual insurance card to document your insurance provider, in some situations we must have formal consent to collect, use, and disclose your personal information.
We are accountable for the health information you give us.
Our Practice is accountable for all health information in our possession or control, including any health information that we disclose to other custodians or that we are required to share with third parties to provide you with health services.
We have established policies and procedures aimed at maintaining the privacy of our patients. We have appointed a Privacy Officer to oversee privacy issues for our Practice. We have educated our employees about our Privacy Policy and their role in protecting your privacy. Patients with questions about our privacy practices are free to contact our Practice Privacy Officer.
We will explain why we collect individually identifying health information before we collect it.
We have posted a notice explaining why we collect your individually identifying health information and list the legal authority that authorizes us to collect it.
We will collect individually identifying health information only for the following purposes, or as otherwise permitted by law:
- Provision of health services
- Verify eligibility or obtain and process payment for health services
- Health-related educational communications (e.g., appointment reminders, providing information about treatment alternatives or other health-related benefits, and services that may be of interest to you).
- Other internal management purposes: Our Practice uses health information for planning, quality improvement, and reporting within the Practice.
- Health service provider education: Our Practice trains hygienists, dental assistants, and students who will use your health information in providing services to you.
We limit the amount and type of health information we collect.
Our Practice will only collect health information for the purposes that we have identified or as otherwise permitted by law. In addition, we will only collect as much health information as is essential to carry out the purpose for which we are collecting it.
Your health information will be collected directly from you, except in the limited circumstances in which we are authorized by the HIA to indirectly collect such information.
We will use and disclose your health information only for the reasons for which it was provided to us, unless otherwise permitted by law.
In providing health services to you, we may use your health information within the Practice or may disclose it to other custodians to provide you with health services on a need to know basis for the purpose it was collected. Any third-party disclosure of information requires your written consent, unless otherwise permitted by law.
The HIA also identifies situations in which the disclosure is mandatory or discretionary. In all cases, we will only disclose as much information as is essential for the purpose it is being disclosed for, or per HIA requirements.
We may disclose your health information to a third party with your written consent to that disclosure.
If you consent to disclosure of your health information, you may revoke that consent at any time, per the requirements set out in the HIA (s34). The consequences of withdrawal of consent will be discussed with you and documented.
You have a right to access your health information that is in our Practice’s custody or control within the provisions of HIA.
Patients own the health information in their dental record; the Practice owns the dental record. During the provision of health services, we will share your health information with you or your authorized representative verbally and allow access to or provide copies of your health information records when practical.
As a patient, you are entitled to a copy of your dental record, but our Practice has the right to refuse to disclose health information under some circumstances [HIA s11 (1) & (2)] and to make access subject to the payment of fees, as allowed per HIA regulations.
We will protect your health information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction.
We have assessed the risks to your health information and implemented administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to eliminate or minimize the risk. Examples of these safeguards include: Practice policies and procedures that ensure that health information cannot be seen by unauthorized persons, having employees sign oaths of confidentiality to ensure that they understand the importance of confidentiality, electronic security mechanisms like firewalls and password protection, and securing the Practice when we are closed.
We take efforts to ensure that the health information in our custody or control is accurate and complete before using or disclosing that health information.
We update our registration and billing data as required. We ensure that our Practice records are complete and accurate; we also track additions and amendments. We correct inaccurate or incomplete factual information.
Subject to limited and specific exceptions in the HIA, individuals have the right to request corrections or amendments to this information whether in the Practice paper-based patient chart or the EDR.
We will retain your health information as per the Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA&C) guidelines and securely destroy of your health information when it is no longer needed.
We will keep your health information as per ADA&C record retention guidelines or as long as necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected (whichever is longer). We also follow the ten-year retention period per the HIA with regard to use and disclosure logs.
We destroy paper health information by shredding and destroy or use professional disk wiping software to remove health information from computer hard drives and other media.
In the event our Practice changes in its provision of health care, patients will be contacted with information about the change and, when applicable, where information has been transferred. You will be free to continue to use that Practice or to have your information transferred to the Practice of your choice.
We monitor compliance with our privacy policies and procedures and have a process for handling complaints about handling of health information.
We regularly assess our health information safeguards. We ensure that our Dental Hygienists and staff are aware of these safeguards adhere to them. We have put in place sanctions for anyone who breaches or attempts to breach our safeguards to demonstrate the importance we place on preserving privacy and confidentiality.
We investigate all privacy complaints or suspected privacy breaches and take appropriate remedial measures, including amending our policies, disciplining staff, etc. We have a process for handling requests for corrections or amendments to health information. When a complaint cannot be resolved, the Practice Privacy Officer will advise the individual of the mechanism for referral of the complaint to the ADA&C or the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta.
You can contact our privacy officer at